Tag Archives: Ocean


The following four minute animated video, “Coral Reefs: Polyps in Peril” is presented by WRI Insights ~ insights.wri.org ~ Submitted by Lauretta Burke on July 9, 2012
We strongly recommend you visit WRI’s site to read the full article,”Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Coral Reefs“, . 

Ocean advocate Céline Cousteau and cartoonist Jim Toomey (creator of Sherman’s Lagoon) teamed up with the World Resources Institute to bring you “Coral Reefs: Polyps in Peril”. This short animated film tells the story of coral reefs with humor and admiration for these wondrous ecosystems.  Learn about the unique biology of coral reefs and their importance to people around the world, as well as the serious threats that they face due to overfishing, pollution, and climate change.  But don’t let that get you down!  The film also explores what individuals can do to help save coral reefs, including supporting sustainable seafood and tourism providers, reducing your CO2 footprint, and promoting coral reef conservation. Published to YouTube on Jul 9, 2012 by

As a prelude to this topic you might like to preview two of my previous blogs on the Great Barrier Reef:
1) “Great Barrier Reef Video” ~ posted March 6, 2012 ~ watch the National Geographic totally awesome and mesmerizing video, “Exploring Oceans: Great Barrier Reef”.

2) “Coral Reefs Are in Crisis” ~ posted May 15, 2012.

In my next blog, “Australia ~ To Create Marine Haven”, I will be including four videos and very interesting data about the species that inhabit the waters of Australia’s ocean and  the Great Barrier Reef: Marine Fish;  Hard Corals; Sponges and Echinoderms; Marine Reptiles; Marine Mammals and Mollusks.

I hope you all realize how vital the work being done by the World Resources Institute Insights is and will find a way to support their efforts ~ insights.wri.org. 

See you back here for Part 2


To observe Shark Week 2012, I’ve found two incredible videos to share with you that I know you will find to be entertaining and educational.

Why ‘Shark Week‘ Sells

The terror of the deep swims onto television screens this week as the Discovery Channel’s beloved ‘Shark Week’ kicked off Sunday evening. Executive producer Brooke Runnette explains the 25-year success of the Discovery Channel event ~ “The Discovery Channel works with scientists across the world to produce the programming that has made Shark Week the staple of every shark enthusiast’s summer. Runnette says marine biologists often pitch ideas to her and the network provides funding for their projects. Discovery Channel also works with the Ocean and Pew Charitable Trusts to sponsor legislation and public service announcements to promote shark conservation.”  ~ excerpt from: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/08/14/why-shark-week-sells

You will probably be amazed by the wealth of information about the great white sharks shared in the following video ~ CNN’S Anderson Cooper on Assignment for 60 minutes ~ YouTube video, “The Sharkman”  Uploaded by CBSNewsOnline on Jul 24, 2011.

Anderson Cooper dives unprotected with great white sharks and Michael Rutzen, known as “The Sharkman”, a South African who’s spent more time up close with the ocean’s most feared predator than anyone else.

According to Rutzen ,”the great white sharks are far from mindless killing machines – great whites are smart, curious and not out to kill humans.”  He says that when looking for a great white shark he can swim with, he needs one who is calm, curious and one he refers to as a ‘player’ – so relaxed, has a nice personality and woke up on the ‘right side of the reef’.

Another amazing video from YouTube ~ “THE SHARKMAN – Micheal Rutzen Hitches Ride On A Great White Shark“.

Michael Rutzen plunges freely with a great white shark. Rutzen eats, sleeps, breathes and dreams of sharks and is on a one-man crusade to prove that rather than being the crazed man-eater from Jaws they are in fact sociable and approachable creatures to anyone who understands their body language. Uploaded by on Aug 22, 2009

I trust that you enjoyed these videos and will share. Let’s hear from you ~ we appreciate your feedback.


It’s no wonder this video has gone viral ~
incredible, awesome, phenomenal!!!

This video was taken the day after the storm “Dagmar” hit the shore. This storm caused a lot of damage in the area. The Atlantic Road was built in 1983-1989 and has become a very popular road for tourists visiting the north-west coast of Norway.

Atlanterhavsveien or The Atlantic Ocean Road is a two-lane highway in Norway connecting the island of Averøy with the mainland at Eide ~ has been declared the world’s best road trip. ENJOY YOUR RIDE!

Interesting Facts about the Atlantic Road Highway

~ Road: Fv. 64 between Vevang in the municipality of Eide and Kårvåg in the municipality of Averøy in Møre og Romsdal.
~ Length: 8.27 kilometres. The Atlantic Road is part of the 36 kilometre long National Tourist Route between Bud and Kårvåg.
~ construction started 1 August 1983. During construction, the area was hit by twelve hurricanes. The highway opened 7 July 1989.
~ 8 bridges totaling a length of 891 metres
~ cost 122 million Norwegian kroner = 20.9449424 million Canadian dollars
~ 25 percent of the cost was financed with tolls and the rest from public grants. Collection of tolls was scheduled to run for 15 years, but by June 1999 the road was paid off and the toll removed.
~ There are four panoramic views and rest areas with facilities in bold architectural forms along the Atlantic Road.
~ people can enjoy the view of the Atlantic Ocean, a rich bird life, spotted seals and whales on rare occasions.

Links ~

 ~ http://www.visitnorway.com/the-atlantic-road

                    ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Ocean_Road



Since I first posted “NUDIBRANCHS – SAY WHAT?”,  May 14, 2012), I’ve found the time to delve further into these fascinating and exotic ocean creatures.  You will be thrilled and amazed with the facts shared on these YouTube videos and the awesome video footage from around the world (Indonesia, Philippines, Bali)

First a few very interesting facts:

Nudibranch ~ means “naked gills”
Nudibranchs ~ are sea slugs
~ are beautifully colored tiny vessels of danger
~ store toxins/stinging cells they steal from their prey
~ more than 3,000 species
~ range in length from 1/4 inch to over 1 foot
~ are hermaphrodites (meaning they have both male and female sex organs)
~ are found in oceans from Antarctica to the tropics

I won’t overload you with information, for as they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

“Nudibranchs”, by Jean-Michel Cousteau, Ocean Adventures ~uploaded by on Dec 5, 2008 ~ “They might be tiny, but nudibranchs can pack a poisonous punch. Learn more about these extraordinary creatures”.


This next video is amazing ~ the music, “The Tahiti Trot” is very artistically adapted to the bizarre antics of the nudibranchs  ~ an award winner in my opinion!!!

Colorful nudibranchs in Lembeh Indonesia” ~ uploaded by  Delveroudis on Jul 5, 2010 ~ “… But they are the most colorful creatures on Earth and their body patterns exceed the imagination of the best designers on the planet.”

“Nudebranches of Amed – Bali Reef Divers – Dive Bali” ~ uploaded by on Nov 9, 2010 ~ courtesy of Hero Productions ~ “These nudibranches were seen around Amed and Tulamben this season… wide variety of nudibranchs species around here… Night dives at Jemeluk are also a great opportunity to see these creatures!”



Deep Ocean Mysteries and Wonders (Video) posted by GrrlScientist on Apr 5, 2012  SUMMARY: Marine biologist David Gallo shows tantalising glimpses of the water world that he knows and loves, from volcanoes to the remains of the Titanic

This video takes us on a voyage into the ocean – from the deepest trenches to the remains of the Titanic – marine biologist David Gallo explores the wonder and beauty of marine life…’

Seventy percent of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, whose average depth is two miles. Yet, even though the ocean shares the planet with us — I have long thought “Planet Earth” is more appropriately known as “Planet Water” — we have explored less than five percent of it. Five percent!

But in that minuscule five percent, we’ve already discovered so many surprises, such as underwater waterfalls and lagoons, fiery underwater volcanoes that send out rivers of molten rock, giant mountain ranges that circle the globe and yawning chasms that dwarf the Grand Canyon, and living in this underwater world is a diversity of life that puts to shame even the tropical rainforests.

David Gallo is the Director of Special Projects at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Dr Gallo was one of the first oceanographers to use a combination of manned submersibles and robots to map the ocean world with unprecedented clarity and detail…

David Gallo: The deep oceans: a ribbon of life

David Gallo: Underwater astonishments

David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a color-shifting cuttlefish, a perfectly camouflaged octopus, and a Times Square’s worth of neon light displays from fish who live in the blackest depths of the ocean.




While doing some research on another topic, I came across a photograph of an incredibly beautiful and colourful body of water and became curious enough to search for other photos and the factors that determine the different colours of our lakes and oceans.

I have a fabulous slide show for you that can be viewed full screen below.


What color is water? It is a question that many children ask, not to mention adults, and the answer is invariably that it has no color. It is transparent, clear, see through. Is that answer the correct one?

In order to see the real color of water we must take a look at a large body –  where a great volume of water can be looked through or down into. It can be done scientifically as well, but the human eye can see the intrinsic color of water in the right conditions. You may well have already guessed what that color may be.

NOTE from the Editor: It has been pointed out to me by Joe Larsen, Researcher at USC, that the Rayleigh scattering of the light from the sun (according to which the blue light is scattered more than other colors) is also an important factor in the color of the oceans. Rayleigh scattering is also a reason behind the blue color of the sky.

Color is how the human eye perceives the reflection of different spectrums of light. We perceive color just as we perceive taste: sublime, exquisite, horrible and delicious. It provokes us, it enchants us and our whole world revolves around it. Everything from the clothes we wear, to the foods we eat are determined by color.

It’s only fitting then, that we explore some of Mother Nature’s most colorful works. The kaleidoscope of colors presented in this series of spectacular lake images, encapsulate the incredible natural beauty of enclosed expanses of water.

More info and photos:


  Slideshow link –

  I hope you enjoy the spectacular photography!


 Freshwater Conservation:

“For the past year and a half, my brother and I have been travelling the world exploring incredible water related environmental stories. Whenever we return home our friends and family all want to know how they can make a positive difference in their daily lives. So, here are three questions you can ask yourself and some tips to help you get started:

Alexander and Tyler Mifflin, hosts of the new TVO show The Water Brothers (C) The Water Brothers

Three questions you can ask yourself and some tips to help you get started making a positive difference in your water usage.

By Alexander Mifflin, star of the new TVO show, The Water Brothers


    1) Where does my drinking water come from and what are the big threats to this freshwater supply?

Find out where your municipality or township sources their water and then figure out how to improve the health of your local watershed. Usually these can be very simple actions like avoiding putting pesticides and artificial fertilizers on your lawn or disposing of pharmaceuticals and hazardous chemicals properly (and not down the drain or toilet!). Most municipalities across North America will provide the proper disposal methods on their websites.

 2)      What part of the ocean does the seafood on my plate actually come from and how was it caught (or grown)?

All major commercial fish stocks are predicted to collapse by the year 2048.

Our oceans are in crisis and our eating habits are the main cause.


The good news is that by simply asking the right questions and being more careful about what you choose to eat you can play an important role in healing our oceans! Use a seachoice.org or seafoodwatch.org pocket seafood guide or Smartphone app so you will always know the best choices.

  3)      How can I make my home more water efficient?

It might surprise you but your lawn and your toilet are the two biggest water guzzlers in your home.

Don’t over-water your lawn (try a rain barrel  and only water in the evening to reduce evaporation).

Try installing a new low flow or dual flush toilet    if you don’t already have one (rebates are often available)”




Photo credit: James Wheeler via Flickr.

If a panel of doctors told you that you need to take better care of your health, would you listen? Canada just got that warning from 10 leading marine scientists: Take care of your oceans before it’s too late. Tell our government leaders that you want Canada to properly support ocean conservation. Send the letter below, and please include your own comments if you can.


On February 2nd, ten prominent marine research scientists affiliated with the Royal Society of Canada released a comprehensive report about the state of our oceans.

They don’t like what they see.

After a thorough investigation of trends in ocean conditions, including fisheries, climate change and aquaculture, they concluded that we’re not a star performer.

In last year’s budget speech, the Finance Minister promised to create six new marine parks by 2012. The government hasn’t met that commitment yet, and it only has 10 months left to meet it. Now is your chance to tell the Prime Minister, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Minister of Finance that you want these commitments fulfilled and properly supported, and that you want to see a renewed commitment to protecting our oceans going into 2013.

We’ll let you know if they follow through after the budget speech next month.

  Read more about the report from the Royal Academy of Canada.


So far 2,577 messages have been sent. Let’s get to 3,000!